Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dating 101: Basic Rules, mainly for men :)

     Since being home I have been astonished by the horrific dating stories from my friends and family, mainly those of the female gender.  Quite frankly I've been embarrassed by my own gender and some of the stupid things they say and do relating to dating. (Hey that rhymed!) Now, I'm definitely not perfect at dating, in fact ask any girl I'm quite horrible at casual conversation on dates (in any situation for that matter, especially if I am particularly interested haha) and have had a few train-wrecks, but there are some basic rules that every man should be able to abide by regardless of experience level (for lack of a better term) I will go so far as to say that if someone refuses to or cannot live by most, if not all, of these rules, they should be kept from the dating scene until they can! I will warn you that I am very biased and blunt when in comes to addressing other males about this subject, partially because men have the primary responsibility to set-up and see that dates run well. I will also attempt to give some tips to the girls to make it easier for them to cope with the male tendency to be less-than-perfect on a date corresponding to each of their tips. Some tips you may disagree with, so don't put all of your eggs into this basket, but I think that you should get the main idea by the end. This is a blog I've long wanted to write, so here are a few very biased and blunt tips. Enjoy!

  1. Open the Door! How many times do I have to say it?! Open all doors, including letting her out of the car. And don't you dare honk your horn and expect her to come to the car! You had better go to the door and get her! Remember she reserves the right to cancel the date. :)
  2. Plan the activity before you even ask her out! It is so rude to ask her out, and then ask "what do you want to do?" when you get in the car! At least have the respect to take time to plan something out! It is sweet if you can say "hey this Friday           is having a concert and I thought of you. Would you like to join me for ____?" And maybe call a day before to confirm specifics about time and pickup location. Oh and call to ask her out, not text.
  3. Don't talk too much about your mission! Sorry, but this is about her, not you! If she asks you about the mission, train yourself to answer only the question asked, not to continue onward. Keep the answer short and sweet. And no "I'm Bueno, oops, sorry I'm just 'accidentally' slipping into my mission language."
  4. Ask her questions! Get to know who she is! Remember this is about her, but at the same time don't ask question after question. In other words don't be so anxious to ask questions as to get rid of casual conversation, that might make you seem kind of creepy/stalker. When talking, watch your language, jokes, and sarcasm carefully. She is sensitive, plus because she is a Daughter-of-God, certain topics are definite no no's! (ie bodily functions/body humor etc. She may laugh, but really she deserves better!)
  5. Be prepared to pay the price wherever you eat! If you don't have the budget to go to Chef's Table don't offer to go there, there is no shame in telling her your budget limitations. This brings another point, when planning it might be smart to offer two or three choices to your date. This allows for you to control prices and for her to have a say in it. (especially good in case of food allergies/preferences)
  6. Don't flash your credentials left and right! Stop thinking you are so cool and telling about all of your accomplishments or how much you can bench. (no flexing of muscles, gross) Truth is, we are dating way over our heads and out of our leagues. And ABSOLUTELY NO talking about other girls and previous girlfriends!
  7. Always remember that she is a daughter-of-God! Your responsibility is to treat her as such! Her happiness, fun, and safety is encompassed in this responsibility. Treat her like a Queen! This is the overall principle to keep in mind when on a date! How would Heavenly Father treat her? And don't you dare try, or even think, to do anything that would make her feel that she has to choose between you and God's commandments! Oh and this includes the kinds of jokes and things you talk about! (Again see rule #4)
Women - TIPS
  1. Give him opportunities to be chivalrous! Let him open your door to get out of the car not just into the car! If he honks, don't go; wait or call him and cancel. Seriously, you have the right to call off the date at anytime and demand to be taken home.
  2. If he hasn't planned anything: well, if he calls with no specifics, you can ensure he plans something by saying something along the lines of "Yes, I'd love to go, but I would feel more comfortable if we had something planned before the date starts." If he shows up with no plan, again you reserve the right to call off the date, just try to be nice but firm about why. No need to make him cry. :)
  3. If you are going to ask about the mission, be prepared! He probably will have a difficult time keeping it to a minimum, so if you are going to ask, please be sincere and listen, then when appropriate you may have to help him move on to the next subject.
  4. Please talk back! Even if you don't really want to be on the date, it is rather rude to leave him in silence. Try to get to know him too! Don't give just give one word answers to his questions.
  5. Inform him of food preferences! Don't be shy about making a choice about food, and please, there is no need to be embarrassed about how much you eat! In fact, it can turn into a fun competition! 
  6. No talking about previous boyfriends! Yes, he may not be the most macho guy or be the knight in shining armor that you are infatuated with right now, but he deserves respect too. (this is a rule) Along the lines of respecting him, modesty is huge! (ie leggings are not pants, cover up) 
  7. Lower your expectations! I know this seems kind of bold for me to say, but we are men. We are really stupid a lot of the time. If a man is honestly trying, I know you can tell when they are or not, treat him with respect and appreciation for his effort. Chances are Prince Charming won't come sweep you off of your feet. And if you are not interested, once again, you reserve the right/don't be afraid, to say no! You need to be honest about it. At the same time, do it in a kind gentle way. Trust me, it will hurt his feelings a lot less than 5 months of false hope for him, ending in a desperate plea from you saying no.
  8. Again, if all else fails, you have power! Say NO! Demand to be taken home! Especially if he is asking you to choose between him and God! You have soooooo much influence over him its not even funny! And that is why you are so amazing! You are a daughter-of-God! You deserve the best!
So there are a few of my tips. Remember ladies, you don't have to settle. You may just be "accustomed" to certain ways that men treat you or act around you, and may even find yourself settling for less than you deserve. Don't settle! And men, don't you dare let her settle! Once again, I don't profess to be perfect. I do however openly profess to be a little bit bias on this subject. I hope I haven't offended anyone. Please comment and let me know what you think, or add more tips as you feel! Tips from women are especially appreciated/ needed. :)


  1. I have a few high quality addendums that totally work because I got married and the proof is in the pudding.

    This is DUDES ONLY, so ladies, look away from my amazing secrets.

    - Have friends that are quality people but not better than you, or else she will like them better and marry them instead! (I was one of those dudes, mwahahaha)
    - Always ALWAYS have a wingman. Which goes to the whole "double date" thing but also when asking the girl out. Having someone who laughs at your jokes is invaluable in every situation, and then if you accidentally make a mess-up of a joke your wingman has got your back.
    - Be a good wingman in return. Be polite to your wingman's date but don't go stealing his thunder. There's a fine balance between coming off as social and cool and doing too much
    - Find out what the girl's roommates like. That way if you bring the apartment a cake (obviously for the lady you like) they can share it and they ALL talk about how awesome you are, rather than your one girl eating it by herself.
    - Flowers are a good generic gift, but if you want to go further you should know what the girl likes and you can get her specifically-tailored gifts. This goes a long way (plus who doesn't like gifts?)
    - If you are totally hots for this chick, ask her out on a regular basis. I asked my wife out once a week every friday and took her to Jamba Juice for a short break every Wednesday. It was months before we were "official," but it gave us lots of time to just have fun together
    - Only go on dates (especially first dates) if they are stuff you want to do. Going on a first date and not clicking is a lot less painful if you did something you wanted to do anyway like...laser tag. If you go do something awful (like watch a rom com) and your date is also not's a waste.
    - Don't go to marriage prep with her. Knowing your luck, it'll be that one day that all they talk about is sex, sex, sex (true story!).

    I have some secret advanced tips, but those are far too powerful to be revealed on a simple internet blog. Just know that having quality roommates and wingmen can make or break a relationship starting out, believe it or not.


    1. I agree with you, until the last bullet point,
      If you're going to get married might as well go to marriage prep, with or without the sex talk.

    2. I'm down with going to marriage prep. Don't just decide to crash the class with her or the FATES WILL ALIGN to make it awkward (I only say that because it happened to me ;) )

  2. Love your tips, Sam! Don't know if this counts or not but I heard this once and have stuck to it. Also, being married, I'm not sure how helpful this is, it's just always been my rule of thumb when going out to eat with someone who plans on paying for me (in-laws, friends, etc). Tip for Women- When eating out, try to find out what he's ordering and order something of equal or lesser value (if possible). The logic- if he's willing to spend that much on him, he should be ready to spend that much on you (but you also shouldn't expect him to buy you a steak and lobster meal when he's getting the fish and chips).

  3. I think they are wonderful tips Sam. I dont know if i could say it any better. I love it when someone opens the door for me because it tells me that that person respects me and understands the value of respect.

  4. Sam, you better know that I think you're great! But, I think you need to recognize that not all girls are the same. Personally, I hate waiting in a car for a guy to open the door for me; if I agreed to the date I like the guy and those 5 extra seconds are time that I'm missing out on getting to know him. A guy loving his mission is a good sign and I know plenty of girls who love to hear those stories. Do you know what I mean? Yes, every girl (and guy) deserves to be respected and made comfortable, but that doesn't exactly mean the same thing for everybody. Oh and by the way if a guy locked me in the car, I would hit them.

  5. I know that not all girls like waiting in the car etc, but these are more rules that should be applied from the start regardless and then as preferences are discovered the man adjusts accordingly. :)
