Sunday, April 14, 2013

Choosing Hope and Happiness: Yes, it is a choice

     So there are two different spiritual world-views competing for our attention.  The adversary's and the Savior's.  Recently I have been pondering about the eternal potential of all of us, and how we often shift our gaze from that potential by choosing to accept and view the world through the false-hood that is created by the adversary.  I will share 2 scriptures to illustrate the two differing views.  Scripture #1 represents the view of the adversary (although it also illustrates the Savior), and how appropriate that it comes from 2 Nephi 2, verse 27: "Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."
     Here is the view that the adversary would have us believe. In this view, we are trapped and controlled by all things that are outside of our being. Meaning, we have no power to control our happiness or the difficulties of life. Modern psychology (yep, i'm referring to it) is a prime example of this. It teaches us that we have no control over the emotional states that we find ourselves in everyday. The neuro-chemicals (only one of the many theories of personality and being) in our brain determine who we are, how we act, and are mere puppets of carnal desires that apparently we are born with.  If we choose to believe this view, we become captive to outside influences. We become captive to the belief that we were born with carnal desires (we call this the "natural man")) and that life is supposed to be difficult, and as a consequent to this belief, the difficulties of life are difficult.  With this view we cannot hope to change who we are, and we simply hope that the Savior's grace will somehow magically make everything better one day in the future, but for now we cannot hope to be happy because of our carnal selves and world. Life is a struggle with the difficult, not a quest for joy.   Now, if you are surprised by my bluntness, please keep reading, it will all make sense as I now explore the other worldview.
     The scripture I choose to represent this view is found in Matthew 11, verse 29-30: "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." This is an invitation from the Savior to be yoked with him in viewing the world as a place of joy. I am amazed at how often we use the cliche "He never said it would be easy, he only said it would be worth it" when right here the Savior is saying that it can be easy! (BTW, show me where he even said that phrase...sorry if I push anyone's buttons with this, but what a dismal view of the world and the Plan of Salvation) Even amidst the difficulties of life, he is telling us here that if we are willing to be yoked with him those difficulties do not have to be difficult! WE HAVE A CHOICE! When we choose to view the world in this way, all of a sudden we are free to choose life! When difficulties arise, we choose to look toward the Savior and face them head on with true hope and trust that all things will be for our good!
     And I now know what you are thinking. "but Sam haven't you ever cried over something difficult? How can you say life isn't hard?" Well first off, yes my life has thrown me some very very difficult curveballs. Secondly, I am not professing to be perfect at choosing to be happy and viewing the world with the Savior's eyes. Thirdly, I am not saying that it is a sin to choose to cry when hard things happen.  What I am saying is that the Savior is inviting us to be yoked with him so that those tears can turn to gratitude and over time, we can learn to see hope, rather than despair, at all times! We are no longer slaves, but we can choose to be free! Free from the outside influences of the world, from the false beliefs of our determined happiness or misery! I do not discredit being born with certain weaknesses, or even there are those who are born with mental handicaps etc... however I am dis-credting the belief that we are born with evil desires within us that are beyond our control (i.e. the "natural man"; I am happy to talk about the scripture Mos. 3:19 with you and what I think it is really saying if you ask me), and the belief that we must surrender ourselves to believe in the difficulties of life!
     Everyday we are presented with the challenge to view the world in one of the two ways. For must of us mortals, we kind of fluctuate between the two. That is another reason why the Atonement is so amazing! He makes up for our inability to always choose him! The Savior wants us to be happy! 2 Nephi 2, verse 25: "Adam fell that man might be, and men are that they might have joy" Our purpose in life is to be happy! To learn to be happy even when life is hard. Perhaps happy isn't the best word, maybe I will switch it to hope. We are free to choose the hope or to choose the despair!
     Again, I am not perfect at this! None of us are! But we need to not forget a least a couple of very important things about this life: 1) we have a choice in all things to either view the world with hope or despair. I have only highlighted a few difficulties of choosing despair. 2) the influence of the adversary is real! I think we give too much credit to ourselves for the sins we commit, thinking that it is "naturally" who we are, when in reality Satan is using this belief to keep us from seeing his handiwork in our lives. 3) The Savior can life our burdens at all times and therefore we can find joy in this life! This blog is only a small portion of some of the thoughts I have had on the topic, and I am willing to talk more about it with anyone! The reason I do this is not to be controversial or to stir anyone to anger, you don't have to believe what I am saying, but I share this because of the great hope it has instilled in my soul and I wish others to taste of it! I testify of the Savior's love! Our lives can be changed by him! The Church is true no matter what, and God is there no matter what! He will help us with our weaknesses, he will heal our broken hearts! May we ever choose Him!